Day 4

Narrator: Day 4, 11:39am. Last night, Alan was evicted from the house, and the tension between him and Adele his been lost. Big Brother has got the House Mates on the sofa to tell them todays shopping task!

Housemates, for today’s shopping task, you will be put in groups of 3. Each group will write a script. You will then hand in your script to Big Brother, and then will be judged. Which ever group wins, will get to choose the shopping this week, and get £300 for the shopping budget. Big Brother has put you all into groups and will read them out in a few minutes.

Adele: Aw, I love script writing!
Ed: It's like writing a song
Adele: Yeah
Keith: I write scripts all the time

This is Big Brother, Adele you are Captain A, and Keith you are Captain B! In Adeles team, Ed, and Katy. In Keiths team, Rihanna and Gotye. Will Team A go into the Bedroom and collect your stuff from the store room, and will Team B collect your stuff from the Hatch and stay in the main area. You have 1 hour starting now!

Adele: Right, what should we write about?
Ed: A Drama? Comedy?
Katy: Just imagine you are writing a song Ads
Adele: Okay, so a Drama?

Living Area
Keith: Listen in to what they are saying Ri
Rihanna: No Keith!
Keith: For me?
Rihanna: Definately no then! I am not cheating

Narrator: 12:23pm, it has been 30 minutes since each team started their scripts and Keiths team has not even started! 

Living Area
Keith: For crying out loud, what should we write about?
Rihanna: Just forget about it, let them win
Gotye: For god sake, useless...

This is Big Brother, due to a team giving up, one team will win! You will be told shortly which team...

Adele: We win!
Keith: No you dont
Gotye: You do Adele
Adele: I know!

Gotye comes to the Diary Room

Hello Gotye
Gotye: Hi Big Brother 
How are you?
Gotye:  Tired of this house, I want to leave
Gotye, yesterday you came to the Diary Room saying you want to leave, and Big Brother can announce you can leave. Goodbye Gotye, please now leave the House!
Gotye: Bye!

NOTES: Gotye has left the house but will still nominate on Monday, and Adeles team have won the task and will choose the shopping on Sunday!

Day 4: Saturday 7th of April