Day 6

Narrator: Day 6, 11:46am. Its nominations day, and the house mates are getting a little worried!

Rihanna: I'm so nervous
Ed: Why?
Rihanna: Nominations day
Ed: Damn it, I forgot
Rihanna: You know who you're nominating?
Ed: Yea, what about you?
Rihanna: Breif idea, yes
Ed: Who?
Rihanna: Not saying, haha
Ed: Never mind then

This is Big Brother, nominations will begin in 10 minutes time, house mates are reminded that they are NOT aloud to discuss nominations before or after the time of Nominating. 

Adele: Keith, what is the deal with your saying "I'll smash your back doors in"
Keith: I dunno, it's just random like "Potato"
Adele: I hate the Potato thing, kids shout it at me for some reason
Keith: aha, why?
Adele: I don't know!

Adele: 1
Ed: 2
Katy: 1

Keith: 0
Rihanna: 1

(Keith was exempt from nominations but was able to nominate)

Adele: Thank god that is over
Keith: Yeah

This is Big Brother, the house mates up for eviction this week are, Adele... and... Ed... and... Katy... and Rihanna and... the eviction will be held on Friday

Adele: Aw, no...
Ed: Never mind
Rihanna: Damn it
Keith: Tough look guys!
Katy: Christ

Production notes: you can vote for your evictee now!